Our shipping department can ship to any street address or PO Box within the continental United States.
Incorrect Shipping Addresses
Please be sure to certify you are providing the correct shipping address before processing any orders. We can not be held responsible for products shipped to the wrong address due to input error.
If a package is returned due to an incorrect or incomplete shipping address provided by you, you will be responsible for the return shipping cost as well as the redelivery cost. Sherpaceuticals is not responsible for packages delivered incorrectly or lost due to incorrect or incomplete shipping information provided by a customer.
If you realize after placing your order you have given the wrong address, please contact our Customer Service Center immediately at (806) 256-7667 between the hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST Monday through Friday. Orders are typically shipped the following business day by 11 a.m. CST. Once an order has shipped, it can not be canceled or changed. If the order has not shipped by the time you contact us, we will be able to alter the address.
Processing Time
We ship our products Monday through Friday. All orders will be processed and shipped within 24 hours (except holidays and weekends). Orders submitted on weekends, holiday weekends, or holidays will be processed on the next open business day. Please expect longer delivery times on holidays or long holiday weekends.
All orders, unless noted otherwise, will be shipped via DHL, USPS First Class or Priority Mail. We provide delivery confirmation on all orders. Delivery times will differ by district. Delivery takes roughly 4 to 5 business days from the time your order leaves our processing center.
Orders Shipped to Alaska and Hawaii
Please allow an additional 2 to 3 days for delivery.
Lost or Stolen Packages
Sherpaceuticals can not be held responsible for lost or stolen packages that have a confirmed delivery to the address entered for an order. If you think you package has been misplaced and it has been confirmed to arrive please contact USPS or DHL to open a claim. We will confirm delivery to the provided address, date of delivery, tracking information and shipping carrier information for the customer to be able to complete that claim.
Checking Your Order Status
When your order is shipped, we will send you the shipment information and a confirmation email. Your order will be processed and shipped within one to two business days after you order (holidays not included). Your order should arrive within five to eight business days after shipment.
The email will also contain your tracking information. You can track your order at the shipping carrier’s website. Please, give the carrier 48 hours to scan and update tracking information. On rare occasion USPS or DHL does not update tracking until after delivery. We cannot provide further information until delivery window is complete.